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Begonia is a flowering plant with numerous species. If you desire plants with radiant color asides from green, Begonias should be around the top of your list. This shade-loving plant brings mounds of color when the conditions are right. Interestingly, the radiant colors do not mean it requires special care. Most Begonias, particularly angel wing Begonia, will tolerate full shade with no direct or filtered sun. Others might require a moderate light exposure between 4 to 6 hours every day. Begonia is a good plant for starter plants because of its strong resistance to adverse conditions, including pests and draughts. They have beautiful flowers and foliage that colors and beautifies your home. Besides, it is a great value plant that can add value to your collection of houseplants. Feel free to explore the diversity of this plant alone or in the company of other houseplants.


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Begonia venosa - 5" Begonia venosa - 5"
Begonia venosa - 5" are in your cart.

Begonia venosa - 5"

$ 36.00

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